Brad started the Lake Pointe Sports Ministry when he joined the Lake Pointe Church staff in 2002.  Launching the first basketball season in early 2003 with just over 300 players, Brad has helped grow LP Sports into one of the largest Sports Ministries in the country.  With over 2,800 registrations a year, LP Sports provides quality recreational level youth sports leagues for kids and their families in the Rockwall and surrounding areas. Brad and his wife Stacy have three sons all who have participated in LP Sports as players and leaders over the years. 

Favorite vacation location- Breckenridge, Colorado 

Best advice ever received- “Life is too short for a bad meal.” 

 If Brad could get coffee with one person, dead or alive, it would be- “Walt Disney! He was an innovator, always looking for a way to give people the best experience they could possibly have.” 

If Brad could be any animal in the world he would be- A dog. All they do is eat and sleep.


Having grown up as a player in LP Sports, it was an easy decision to bring Bailey onto the Sports Ministry team upon her graduation from East Texas Baptist University in May of 2017.  She not only brings playing experience to LP Sports, but a clear understanding of the purpose of the ministry.  Additionally, since 2012, Bailey has led LP Sports KidsGames not only in Rockwall but also at locations around the world. 

Best advice ever received- “The harder choice is always the better choice.”   

Favorite things to do in her free time-“ I love to do anything in or on water, anything sports related, and spending time with friends and family” 

If Bailey could be any animal in the world she would be- “An octopus. They have enough “arms” to do more than one thing at a time!” 

If you really knew Bailey you would know…”I love Chick-fil-a.  I could eat there every day of the week, except Sunday, of course.” 

Favorite verse - Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”


Rob joined the LP Sports team in 2012 bringing a wealth of coaching youth sports with him.  He has coached various youth sports for a number of years including youth football, basketball, and his favorite, baseball. Rob and his wife Stephanie have two sons, both active athletes at their respective schools and spend much of their time watching their boys excel at football.

Best advice ever received- “Live each day as if it is your last.”

Favorite thing to do in your free time- Hang out with family or watch/attend team sporting events!

If Rob could be Queen for the day what is one rule he would put in place- “People would have to have more fun and not be so serious!”

Favorite vacation spot- Colorado

If Rob could be any animal in the world what animal would he be and why? “Gorilla! They are strong and very family oriented.”